Friday, February 20, 2009

Books, Readers and Beyond: #54 Social Networking Through Books

Book clubs. They have been around as long as books themselves, but not many people are part or have ever joined a book club, and I am one of those. If I were to join a book club, I would do it online. Of course I would enjoy the company of others around me as we engage in a deep conversation concerning a character's motive and try to understand his behavior, but all of that often takes time. For me, I am constantly doing homework and when not at school, I spend a lot of time doing other things for my local church. So, it would be more convenient for me to join an online book club and be able to post my thoughts and comments at the time of my choosing, as well as do it from the comfort of my home.

I do have some ideas for implementation when it comes to book clubs. I like the idea of doing some research on the author and dominant theme throughout the book, as well as come up with good questions that encourage participation and discussion amongst the members. And because a good place to start is the library, it would be nice to have the meeting area decorated with fun facts about the book as well as pictures that help to explain the main theme. And in order to help publicize the book, announcements can be made throughout the whole library in order to also promote the literature.

Now, trying to get some light on online book clubs, I looked for a book by James Byron Huggins, and unfortunately no one had any posts about this book. It is not hard to see that not all of the books by every author are going to have a following or some clubs named after them, which means that when starting a book club you might want to start off with some author everyone is familiar with and move on from there.