Friday, January 15, 2010

Searching #75: Google and Beyond

This will be my first official post for the New Year.

Using Blindsearch, I typed three different queries based on the results voted on the column that best fit my needs. I was quite surprised to see that each time that I did a search and chose a columb of results that best suited my needs, each time it came out to represent the search engine Bing. What really amazes me is that before this exercise, I have started to use this website for just about all of my inquiries and find it an indispensable tool for quenching my thirst of random knowledge and school related help.

The search engine that is #1 on Hitwise as I type this blog is Google. Compared to its closest competitor, there was only a .36 difference. I use Bing for just about everything I do, and this one was usually #3 on several of the categories listed on the website. Overall, I am one of the millions of people that use one of the top three websites listed, which doesn't surprise me due to their popularity and also their functionality.

When I first made my switch to Bing, I saw a feature that was new and I found it to set it apart from the rest. It's the program called Bing Cashback. This feature not only allows you to buy stuff online, just like you normally would, but also provides the means for you to get some of your money back. I am constantly looking online for better deals on anything that draws my interest, and this is by far the best thing I can think of at the top of my head when thinking of Bing and its superiority (in my opinion) over the other search engines out there (and the fact that I am a Microsoft type of guy).