Friday, November 13, 2009

HCPL's Veterans (ADM)

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is home of the brave" - Elmer Davis

This picture alone cannot describe the countless hours that each one of these individuals spent in training. This single piece cannot describe the long days and nigths they spent doing their job in foreign parts of the world, away from family and friends. Their faces do not show the struggles they each faced when their nation cried out, nor do they resent having answered that call. Each one of them has their own story to tell; from the first day of basic training to the time that they all left with honor to pursue other goals in life. Not one of them is better than the other for having served a different branch. Not one of them considers each other a hero for their service to their country. They graciously accept the warm smiles and firm handshakes from grateful citizens. They enthusiastically share their experiences and provide insight into the world of the military. But when they are alone after the parades in their honor have ended, the music has faded away, and people go back to their normal routines, it is then that they look around and see that their sacrifice was worth it.

And here at the ADM building we felt very special this one day. We felt appreciated for having done an honorable service to our country. It is small acts of kindness that go a long way, and even though Veteran's Day has now passed by, we will not forget the appreciation we felt.

To all the men and women in the service, wherever you are, we pray for your safe return home.
To all those that have served, we thank you for your dedication.
Happy Veteran's Day!


I am from Transilvania said...