Friday, May 15, 2009

2009 Awards Ceremony


During the 2009 Awards Ceremony for the HCPL staff, Technical Services was surprised to have found themselves the recipients of the much coveted Director's Award. Under the Technical Services there are three distinct departments: Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Processing. There are many things that can be said about each one of these, but out of loyalty to my department, as well as personal pride, it is my privilege to write a little bit about the Acquisitions Department.

Every year the teams that seem to get nominated are the ones that are well known throughout the branches because of their exposure to the public eye. But it is this light that usually blinds the eye to the unnoticed force working in the shadows ensuring that it all works perfectly. The Acquisitions department, one that only very few outside of the ADM building are aware of, is one of those teams that works hard and is often overlooked.


In their own right, each member of the Acquisitions Department is a leader. Not only are they all responsible in their specific duties, but as a team they ensure that the needs of those around them are well met. Constantly improving their skills, they have devised a way to receive incoming shipments in a safe manner, and also ensure that they are handled in the most convenient way possible. They have been tasked with all of the incoming and outgoing shipments, and even though it was not asked of them, they devised a way to keep track of anything that makes it through their hands. They have come of age with the times and use computers to follow packages as well as having log books for library materials that make their way to other departments to ensure that all is accounted for. If the work inside the ADM building was not enough, when volunteer opportunities present themselves, the members of this department are usually amongst the first on the list. And if that wasn’t enough, even when they are just volunteering, they normally don’t just become part of the help, but take charge by foreseeing any future problems and taking charge of the situation in a professional manner.


Because the Acquisitions Department does not deal with customers, it is often difficult to display a sense of creativity that will be appreciated by others, and yet this team has proven it on several times. There is no area of the ADM building that is as highly decorated and festive as the Acquisitions receiving center. One can pass through the area and feel challenged as they test their skill with the "word of the day" or a math problem that is sure to exercise the mind. The staff knows that being confined to this building with no interaction from the outside world can get repetitive, and so they try to break the monotony by decorating to a great extent and allowing other people to make suggestions and even share on the decorations. And if that wasn't enough, also provide entertainment for others by having the newspaper available to the people working here, as well as having little snacks to sweeten the day. It may not seem like much, but to the people working in that building its these little things that make a difference on a daily basis.

Customer Service

The staff may not have patrons to talk to, but they deal with the vendors responsible for all of the library materials. It is not an easy task to deal with the issues that arise to keep a library working smoothly, but the Acquisitions Staff is more than capable to tackle the challenge. It takes good communication skills, a great amount of respect and patience, and also understanding of the job to be able to solve any issues while keeping good relations with the representatives of the different companies they deal with. Their professionalism has been recognized by the representatives on many occasions, and the amount of positive relations allow for better service provided to the Harris County Public Library.

Job Performance

If there is one team whose work reverberates through all 26 libraries is that of the Acquisitions Department. They receive new library materials on a weekly basis, and as every branch is aware, the amount of new materials can be a bit overwhelming at times. Now imagine if you will, receiving material for all the branches in one location, ensuring that each item is in good condition, and that the right items get delivered to their proper destination. On top of that, receive shipments on a daily basis and constantly send new stuff over to the branches while also keeping up with replacements and attending to the needs of each branch. Once you understand the magnitude of that task, add on top of it any other shipment that makes its way in and out of this building, and you'll get a glimpse as to how big their job is, and how the lack of problems revolve around their stellar performance.


Even though each member of the team specializes in something different, they all work together to accomplish their goals. Whether it is to receive the massive amount of materials that get delivered, or when organizing a birthday party for a fellow coworker, they all contribute and ensure that mission accomplishment comes first. This department has been known to stop whatever they are doing and go to another's help when the workload is more than one person can bear, gladly extending their help, which is also not limited to just the people in their department. And it is not uncommon to even see their supervisor get his hands dirty and help when the department receives big shipments, proving that when it comes time to work, they all help out regardless of seniority or job title. And as stated earlier, even when they volunteer, they work as a team constantly helping each other and anyone else who may be fortunate enough to work along their side. And anyone working with them can testify that not only do they work like a well oiled machine, but also have fun while doing it. Around them, never a dull moment.