Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Recession Busters # 60: Food, Fun & Frugality

After watching Clara’s videos, and how easy she made it look, I opted to also look online for something easy to make and that would be easy on the wallet. I like this recipe Lemon and Chicken Stir Fry, and like the video says, you can mix the ingredients or not use all of them. It is all up to you.

Other recession tips that I have heard or seen are: buying at secondhand stores, visiting garage sales, going to the stores when they have sales.

One thing that I have found myself doing now that I live on my own, is saving money for the important things in my life. No longer do I seem to spend money randomly, but now unless I really need it. I constantly ask myself if what I am getting is something that I need. Instead of rushing out to rent movies from Blockbuster, or buying them at the store, it is much better to just get them from the library. They are free!